Amar matha noto kare dao he tomar charan dhular tale
This translates as:
O Lord, make my head bow under the dust of your feet.
The song is about losing one's ahankara, the egotism that makes us think 'we did this', 'we did that'.
I cannot even begin to say how many ways this is relevant to us, to me personally, and to us humans. And I don't mean this in any spiritual sense, but in the sense that we humans need to learn humility in all our undertakings. When we think we know best, that we can judge others, that we can tell people how to lead their lives, that we know how to get to salvation, that we know how the world began, whenever we think we know it all, we need to learn the lesson of humility, and remind ourselves of how small and insignificant we are in time and space.